Friday, September 3, 2010

Yes, Another Blog

3 September 2010

I don't know how many times I've set up a blog and then never entered anything in it.  It's like trying to keep a diary when there isn't anything earth-shattering to talk about.

Kay created her blog and I thought it was one of the nicest and easiest to read, so here we are.

Well, Labor Day is coming and it still feels like July.  It's been up in the high 90s for a week.  But with Hurricane Earl sweeping up the coast, we should have rain and a drastic cooling off before tomorrow morning.  Here's hoping...


  1. For those who ask for proof of the Craft in antiquity...

    Our base is in the Divine Life of the universe. Our means of keeping in touch with it cannot be thorugh any manmade dogma, but through nature, which man did not make. Men's hands wrote all the holy books and sacred scriptures; only the book of nature was written by divinity.

    This is certainly a more accurate and authentic religion as it is fluid and adapts to changes in ethics and morals, unlike the Bible with its antiquated ethics -- like women being forced to marry their rapists and adulterers being stoned to death -- that must be picked through as times change so that some are rejected and others cannot be found within.

    "It is a maxim in magic that all the gods are one God, and all the goddesses are one Goddess, and there is one Initiator." -- Dion Fortune

  2. WHY 13?

    "The number thirteen is connected with the Moon Goddess, because there are thirteen lunar months in the year. The Moon goddess is the personification of Nature as the Great Mother; and as such, she is the most ancient of goddesses, and her worhsip goes back to the beginnings of man's life on earth. The oldest religious objects ever found are statuettes of the Mother Goddess; and I think people have a deep need to recognize and worship the feminine side of Deity, which orthodox religion has failed to satisfy." -- Doreen Valiente as quoted in "The Pentagram" newsletter November 1964

  3. Celebrating the Sabbats

    "What Witches seek for in celebrating these seasonal rituals -- the Greater Sabbats being Imbolc (February 2), Beltane (April 30/May 1), Lughnasadh (August 1) and Samhain (October 31) -- is a sense of oneness with Nature, and the exhilaration which comes from contact with the One Universal Life. People today need this, because they are conscious of the tendency of modern life to cut them off from their kinship with the world of living nature; until their own individuality is smothered and processed away, and they begin to feel as if they are just another cog in a huge senseless machine." -- Doreen Valiente as quoted in "The Pentagram" newsletter November 1964

    "Witches do not go about tryign to convert people; but we keep the lamp of the Old Religion burning, for those who wish to see by its light."

    "The Horned God of the Witches is perhaps most easily conceived to us as being rather like Pan, who was indeed the goatfoot god of the Witches of Thessaly. We have had some learned gentlemen recently telling us that Witchcraft is a post-Christian invention of the Middle Ages. I don't know how these good folk account for the existence of the witch-cult of Thessaly, in Ancient Greece, long before Christianity was every heard of; but I have no doubt they could account to their own satisfaction for almost anything, if they talked long enough!

    However, I think we should recognize that Witchcraft as we have it today is the synthesis of the traditons of many centuries. And it is still a living and evolving tradition, and capable of yet further evolution as the human race itself evolves. Today we can take a broader conception of the witch cult as a cult of the mind, and fertility of the soul."

    Note: Many of my comments here are also posted in my interactive forum:

  4. Witch focus on Fertility this not what people today desperately need, with the forces of denaturing materialism on the one hand, and of an orthodox religion which can no longer satisfy them on the other? At the same time, when we recollect the hungry millions of the world, I think we should also sometimes invoke the Ancient Powers with one of the most ancient of all prayers, for the fertility of the earth, that there should be less peole hungry in the world.

    Fertility is only another way of expressing the forces of Life itself; and the idea that the spirit of Life is divine is something that is common to all religions.

    Witches are humble enough to recognize that Divinity, the source of all life, is necessarily beyond human comprehension. Contact with Divinity is what the mystic experiences; but when we start trying to define and dogmatize, we merely reveal our human limitations. So we recognize that we, being human and limited, need images in order to bring Divinity nearer to our perception. The Horned God and the Moon Goddess are magical images, in this sense; and they are probably the oldest in the world, the most anciently established in the Collective Unconscious of humanity, the great Treasure House of Images. The Horned God represents the masculine aspect of Divinity, and the Moon Goddess the feminine aspect.

    True Religion and true Magic are not opposed to each other, but complementary. Both depend upon the contact and inter-penetration of the material world and the Unseen."

  5. The earliest Christian churches and their leaders (women):

    World's oldest religion:

  6. Propitiation (the atonement of Christ or appeasement of God) reduces the gods to a human level of pettiness, in which they have to be bribed out of their capricious moods of spitefulness and bad temper.

    Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth:

  7. Do we non-Christians worship false Gods?

    If you research the earliest manuscripts, you will find that the word “false” is never connected with other gods.

    The reference in The Song of Moses in Deuteronomy (32:43), as found in a cave at Qumran, near the Dead Sea, mentions the word "gods" in the plural:

    "Rejoice, 0 heavens, with him; and do obeisance to him, ye gods."

    The passage we find in the New Testament (Hebrews, 1:6),

    Heb 1:6 6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. (KJV) reveals to us the transformation of the idea of the neteru. The the word "gods" as understood by Moses in the Song of Songs pointed about above has been modified. These attributes of the One True God now have a life of their own and they become "angels." The word for "gods" is substituted with "angels of God".

  8. Indwelling Holy Spirit Needed to Understand Scripture…

    The point is that many who know and believe they have received the holy spirit interpret scriptures quite differently. Interpreters and translators have presented dozens of versions and translations of the Bible in English alone. Which is the true word of God?

    Why didn’t God inspire a version in English? Did God forget to insert the word “homosexual” into the Bible and told translators to insert it later?

  9. Satan tells A&E they will not die if they partake of the tree…

    I often hear the argument that Adam and Eve DID die when they disobeyed God and ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil – they died spiritually. There is nothing in the passage that indicates the reference to death was not physical death. Were A&E physical beings when they dwelled in the Garden of Eden? Was it just their spirit that was at that time eternal? Was their spirit already eternal? If their spirits were already eternal, then those spirits could not die on that day. Thus the reference can be only to physical death. As such, the serpent told the truth and God lied, because they did not die in that day.

  10. Natural Law
    Natural Law is what compels animals with no control over their reproduction. We are higher animals with the knowledge of our own reproduction and the capability to control it. Artificial contraception is what elevates us to a different level of the Natural Law by which we are governed. If we were intended to be subject to the same Natural Law as the lesser animals, we would be compelled by periodic estrus rather than receptive to intimacy at all times. For us sex is more than a means by which we reproduce, it is a level of intimacy by which we express our love and interconnection with one another.

  11. How could the notion of a singular male god even make sense to thinking people? Females are the portals. They are the creators, the portals that bring forth life. Everything that exists has come from the gateway of Her womb.

  12. Most of the founding fathers were Deists, NOT Christians. This website, is probably one of the better one's I've come across that explains this fact.
    "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
    -- Thomas Jefferson

  13. Binding Spell Glenn Beck
    (Best done at the New Moon.)

    Light a black candle and burn myrrh incense (incense is optional).

    Envision the target with his hands and feet tied and his mouth taped. As you do, face east and say these words nine times:

    I banish he that can cause harm
    and bind his actions with this charm.

    He can’t encourage by his power
    any month or day or hour.

    As the moon enlightens night
    so this magick spell takes flight.

    Let the candle burn all the way out and burn or bury any remainder.

    Tod estu.

  14. “The untold want,
    by life and land ne’er granted,
    Now Voyager, sail thou forth,
    to seek and find.” -- Walt Whitman

  15. The history of sanctified same-sex marriage in christianity: and

  16. The lie that Margaret Sanger championed eugenics:

    In 1900, six to nine of every 1000 women died in childbirth compared with 0.1 in 1997 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1999).

  17. Jesus, as a faithful Jew, would have held to the teachings of the prophets. Jesus didn’t discuss homosexuality because not one of the prophets did.
